Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

1. Write an introduction for yourself.
2. It should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long. 
3. Tell what is important.
4. Give some insight about you, but don't reveal everything.
5. Submit it to the "Introduction Text" folder in Google Classroom.
6. Once you have written the introduction, practice it.
7. Have someone use a phone to video it.
8. Be sincere and pleasant; smile.
9. If you mess up, redo it until you are happy with it.
10. Turn it in to the "Introduction Video" folder in Google Classroom. (You may have to put it on YouTube and transfer it to Google Classroom.)
11. Your text is due today.
12. It will be a daily grade.
13. Your video is due Monday.
14. It will be two daily grades.

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