Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

1. Write an introduction for yourself.
2. It should be about 30 seconds long... certainly no longer than 45. 
3. Give some insight about you, but don't reveal everything.
     a. Give your first name.
     b. Tell one or two things that are interesting about you.
     c. Do not give last name.
4. Submit it to the "Intro Text" folder in Google Classroom.
5. Once you have written the introduction, practice it.
6. Have someone use a phone to video it.
7. You may do the video wherever you want, but it must be appropriate.
8. You may use whatever style you want to present it, say it, video it, or whatever.
9. Be sincere and pleasant; smile.
10. If you mess up, redo it until you are happy with it.
11. Turn it in to the "Intro Video" folder in Google Classroom. 
12. The text is due tomorrow.
13. It will be a daily grade.
14. Your video is due Monday.
15. It will be two daily grades.
16. This is to be only on my computer and shown to my class that each of you attends. I can not control what you do with it from your end. Show your parent(s) this assignment, and if they do not like it, we can adjust to your doing it in class, and although you will not get credit for the video part, it will not count against you either.

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