Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

1. Students will pair up.
2. Each pair will choose a topic to address.
3. One of the two will write a one- to three-minute speech taking one side of the topic.
4. The other student will write a one- to three-minute taking the opposite side of the topic.
5. The pair will decide who goes first. 
6. Each student will receive a test grade for his or her own speech-- successful presentation of his/her side, backed up with facts, etc.
7. Each pair will receive two daily grades for overall project-- both sides successfully presented, both sides made sense, etc.
8. You must be able to present either side of whatever topic upon which you decide. If one of you is unwilling to present a particular side of a topic, choose something else.
9. Although you are presenting opposite sides of a topic, this is not a debate. You are not able to have a back and forth rebuttal.
10. This speech is due Thursday, April 9, and will be given on that day and on Friday, April 10.

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