Design, Marketing, and Advertising Product Project
You will be creating a product that has never been produced before (creativity is KEY!). Although class time will be provided in which to complete this product, any aspect you don’t finish will need to be completed outside of class prior to presentation day.
- Product -
- In a well-written paragraph, describe the product & identify the target market.
- Produce a detailed visual sketch or poster or 3D model of the product.
- Identify the specific places the product will be sold.
- Elaborate on the cost of the product and how you arrived at that figure.
- Promotion -
- Perform a scripted and rehearsed infomercial that is at least two minutes in length (must be typed and memorized.)
- Product - TEST GRADE
- Typed paragraph including detailed description of product, target market, sales location, and price information (40 points)
- Visual aid (40 points)
- Design, creativity and usefulness (20 points)
- Promotion - TEST GRADE
- Typed, well written infomercial script (40 points)
- Preparation and delivery of infomercial (60 points)
- Costumes must be worn.
- Script must be memorized.
- Group participation -three daily grades
- Each member will complete a survey about the other group members that will be confidential (two daily grades).
- I will assign a daily grade based upon the participation I have observed in class.
PRESENTATION DATE: Tuesday, December 16.
Any group member absent during one of the assigned work periods and/or the actual presentation and fails to complete his/her portion of the project will be given alternative assignments to complete.
In other words, BE PRESENT AND DO YOUR JOB! If you think the alternative assignment will be easier, you will need to come back to reality.Any group member absent during one of the assigned work periods and/or the actual presentation and fails to complete his/her portion of the project will be given alternative assignments to complete.
12/8 Discuss project
Assign groups
Discuss ideas
12/9 Work on project
12/10 Paragraph & visual aid due by the end of class
12/11 Promotion script due by the end of class
12/12 Work on products
12/15 Presentation rehearsals
12/16 Presentations
Ignore the following unless instructed to go to that site:
35 Greatest Speeches
In lieu of
the group marketing assignment, the following is to be used as an alternative:
1. Go to the blog for Monday, December
2. Click on the link for The 35 Greatest
3. Choose two of the speeches.
4. Write a comparison/contrast paper for
the two speeches. It must be on paper and contain the following:
a. An introductory paragraph.
b. Two paragraphs comparing the two
speeches (telling how they are alike).
c. Two paragraphs contrasting the two
speeches (telling how they are different).
d. A conclusion paragraph.
e. Each of the six paragraphs must
contain a minimum of four sentences.
Read the two speeches aloud and then read the
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