Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

1. Work on projects.
2. Product ideas due at the first of the period.
3. Power point due tomorrow (for most of you).

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

1. Work on projects (must have product ideas ready by first of class tomorrow).

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

1. Design and Marketing Project

Design and Marketing Project

You will be creating a product that has never been produced before (creativity is KEY). Although class time will be provided, any aspect of the assignment you don't finish will have to be completed outside of class.


1. Choose a partner (if you wish). You may decide to work alone.
2. Come up with an idea for a product which has not appeared before.
3. Use social media to get ideas, criticisms, etc.
4. Make a power point or use another approved method to explain details about the product and the marketing needs.
5. Make a detailed online sketch of the product. (3D will be a bonus.)
6. Make an eye-drawing poster with a catchy slogan for the product.
7. Write a script for a 30-second commercial.
8. Video the commercial.
9. Plan a schedule for turning in sections.
10. Keep project (including commercials) for use in a portfolio.

Details About Requirements

1. If you choose not to have a partner, you will still have to turn in the same things as if you did. I will need to know your choice today. You and your partner (where applicable) will receive the same grades, so choose wisely.

2. Your product must be original. Research your ideas and make sure you cannot find something that is the same. Your choice will be due at the first of class Wednesday, May 11. Daily grade.

3. You must turn in at least five (5) comments from social media regarding ideas for your project. They can assist with your search for a product, help with perfecting it, or critical of certain aspects of it. These comments will be turned in to the "Social Comments" folder in Google Classroom and are due on Tuesday, May 17. Daily grade.

4. Your power point should have the following slides.
     a. a detailed description of the product,
     b. a complete description of the target market (to whom will you try to sell it?),
     c. the point of sale (where are you going to sell it?),
     d. the cost of making and marketing the product and how you arrived at that figure,
     e. the price at which you will sell the product with reasons.
If you have another idea for presenting this information through technology, ask for approval. This will be turned in to the "Product & Marketing Specifics" folder in Google Classroom and are due on Thursday, May 12.
Daily grade for each slide.

5. Your sketch will be done with an online program and turned into the "Product Sketch" folder in Google Classroom. It is due on Friday, May 13. A 3D drawing will be a bonus. Daily grade.

6. Your poster should be done as a store-front poster (if you are marketing this in a store) or an online advertisement (if you are marketing this online). Be sure to include a catchy slogan with any information that the consumer needs to know. In the case of the store-front poster, turn it in to me; in the case of the online advertisement, turn it in to the "Advertisement" folder in Google Classroom. It is due on Monday, May 16. Daily grade.

7 & 8. Script out a 30-second commercial which you will video. You may use other people in your commercial, but you must appear in the commercial, and it must be done from memory. You have the option of making an animated commercial, but it still must include a script. The script will be turned in to the "Commercial Script" folder in Google Classroom, and it is due on Wednesday, May 18. The video or animated commercial will be turned in to the "Final Commercial" folder in Google Classroom and is due on Thursday, May 19. Daily grade for script. Test grade for commercial.

9. I have given you a schedule for getting everything turned in. You may choose to make your own schedule and turn it in. If you do so, and if it is approved, you must follow that schedule. This schedule is due on Tuesday, May 10.

10. Keep a copy of everything and save it for use with a portfolio.

There will be an additional test grade for your overall product and marketing campaign.